Our newly redesigned (and lower cost) T-Topless-2™ (TT2™) patent-pending, stainless steel, folding T-Top for 15-22 foot center console boats (plus optional Spray-Shield and Gear-Loft):
Notes:The newly redesigned 2021 T-Topless-2™ (TT2™) replaces the original, patent-pending T-Topless™ (TT1™) and Shadow™ stainless steel, folding T-Tops, with greater rigidity, more features and at a lower cost. The T-Topless-2™ is designed to mount on the stainless steel windshield grab rails (above the windshield) on center console boats, and folds down in seconds well below the windshield height to store the boat in your garage or under a boat cover (many neighborhoods do not allow storage of your boat outside, so this gets it in the garage). The T-Topless-2™ provides the fishability of a T-Top with the convenience and boat storage of a Bimini-Top, with 21 square feet of shade. Click to view more PHOTOS of the new Topless-2™.
Pair (port and starboard) of 1" inch OD, type 316 stainless steel Frames with Stabilizer and (2) Rear Legs,
(2)each 7/8" or 1" inch Stainless Steel Mounting Clamps with Pivot Screw for your Stainless Steel Windshield Grab Rails,
(1)each 7/8" or 1" inch Stainless Steel Mounting Clamps with Quick-Release Pins on Lanyard for Stabilizer,
(2)each 7/8" or 1" inch Stainless Steel Mounting Clamps with Quick-Release Pins on Lanyards for Rear Legs,
Sunbrella® canvas (10 year fabric warranty) with Lacing Cord,
Navigation Light plan & parts list (we do not sell a lighting kit yet),
VHF Antenna mounting plan (no parts included),
Installation Guide,
Rod Holders NOT included.
70 inch Long x 50 inch (rear) / 36 inch (front) Wide shade,
Mounts on 7/8 or 1.00 inch OD Stainless Steel (NOT Aluminum) Windshield Grab Rails (above windshield):
From 29.5 to 36 inches Wide (center to center),
Over 49 inches high (from floor),
Vertical (when viewed from side) from -7° back to 15° forward. If your windshield grab rails lean more than 15° forward, you should buy a Montauk-T-Topless-2™,
Rear Legs:
Can be amounted 1) to the lower part of your windshield grab rails, 2) to the support tubes on a reversible helm seat or 3) to to deck mounts on the back corners of your center console,
Will typically need to be cut to the proper length with a die grinder, cut off saw, hack saw or sawzall.
Overall height (clearance) will be approximately 23" above the windshield grab rail height. For example: the T-Topless-2™ on our Sea Pro® 180cc's 57 inch high windshield grab rails (photos above) provide up to 6'8" clearance, so we mounted them 6" lower for 74" clearance, and still cleared our Igloo® 96 quart cooler by 10" when folded down,
Installation: Installs in an hour or two with a large Phillips Screwdriver, 7/16" Box End Wrench and 3/16" Allen Wrench per the T-Topless™ (TT2™) Installation Guide. Rear Legs can be mounted to the back of the Windshield Grab Rails or to a Reversible Flip-Flop Seat. Finally, Lace the Canvas onto the Frame .