For Aquaport, Chaparral, Chris Craft, Crownline, Ebbtide, Formula, Glastron, Larson, Regal, Rinker, Robalo, Scout, SeaSwirl, Starcraft, Triumph, Trophy and Wellcraft
factory OEM canvas, tops or covers, you
MUST provide a photo of your Black Ameritex® tag with the P/N and DT date code
(unfortunately the WHITE Tag is not sufficient)
from your existing canvas, cover or frame (sticker).
We can only produce P/N's which start with a 1 (P/N's starting with a 2, 4 or 6 are no longer available Taylor-Made parts).
Routine Inspections, Scheduled Maintenance & Cleaning of RNR-Marine™ Products
In order to safely enjoy your product, maintain its beauty and increase its longevity,
it is critical that you perform Routine Inspections, Scheduled Maintenance and Cleaning.
It is important to perform a quick,
Routine Inspection of your product before every use.
It is equally important to perform
Scheduled Maintenance and
Cleaning of your product.
The following tables describe what should be inspected and maintained before and after each use,
what maintenance is required on a regular basis, and how to clean your product without damaging it..
If a problem is found, it must be repaired/replaced immediately, prior to use, to avoid safety issues.
Failure to perform regular, routine inspections, scheduled maintenance, repair/replacement of broken parts
or basic cleaning will void your warranty and
release RNR-Marine, Inc. from any liability for damage or injury through use of the product.
Check structural integrity of top
(Is everything square, welds good?),
Check front pivot bolts for wear and make sure
clamps, screws and nuts are tight,
Make sure rear legs' quick-release pin is firmly installed and
locking tab is turned 90°
to prevent it from coming out accidentally,
Make sure your boat's windshield grab rails are firmly affixed and structurally sound
(no broken welds or loose screws),
Make sure the console is firmly attached to the floor of the boat,
Make sure canvas lacing is tight and not nicked or broken,
Check navigation light (if so equipped) before going out at night.
Routine Maintenance - After Every Use:
In saltwater: Wash down your top, frame and bolts with freshwater.
Make sure your fingers, rods, gear, family, etc. are out of the way when you SLOWLY fold down your top.
Wash and carefully dry your Clear Vinyl
(see below) after every use.
Scheduled Maintenance:
Every 50 hours of use or annually (whichever comes first):
Remove front legs' pivot nuts/bolts (2).
If the bolt (1/4-20x1.25" Stainless) is worn more than 5%,
it must be replaced.
Re-install with grease on thread to avoid
galling and locking up of the stainless-to-stainless threads.
Do NOT over-tighten over 10 ft-lbs of torque!
Check 1/4-20x1/4" cap screws (do not over-tighten):
Pivoting "eyelet" at Bottom of Rear-Legs,
Jaw-Slide where Rear-Legs attach to top frame.
Check Rail-Clamps to make sure they are tight, and not damaged,
Check screws or bolts attaching windshield grab rails to console
to make sure they are tight,
Check screws or bolts attaching console to the boat's deck
to make sure they are tight.
Visually check structural integrity of top, poling platform and deck mounts
(is everything square and solid?),
Check mounting bolts (through poling platform) to insure they're tight.
Routine Maintenance - After Every Use:
In saltwater: Wash down your top, frame and bolts with freshwater.
Scheduled Maintenance:
Every 50 hours of use or annually (whichever comes first):
Remove Flats-Top removal nuts/bolts (2).
If the bolts (1/4-20x2", 10-24x2" or 5/6-18x2" Stainless)
are worn more than 5%, it must be replaced.
Re-install with grease on thread to avoid galling
and locking up of the stainless-to-stainless threads.
Do NOT over-tighten over 10 ft-lbs of torque!
When it’s time for a thorough cleaning,
Sunbrella® fabrics can be cleaned while still on a boat or,
size permitting, they can be removed for cleaning in a washing machine
or dockside.
When cleaning Sunbrella fabrics, it is important to observe the following:
Always use a mild detergent such as Woolite or Dawn dishwashing liquid.
Water should be cold to lukewarm.
Rinse thoroughly to remove all detergent residue.
Air dry only. Never apply heat to Sunbrella fabrics.
General or light cleaning To clean Sunbrella® while still on a boat, follow these simple steps:
Brush off loose dirt.
Hose down.
Prepare a cleaning solution of water and mild detergent
such as Woolite or Dawn dishwashing liquid.
Use a soft bristle brush to clean.
Allow cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.
Rinse thoroughly until all detergent residue is removed.
Air dry.
May not require re-treatment depending on the age of the fabric.
Heavy cleaning for stubborn stains and mildew:
If stubborn stains persist on your SUnbrella® fabric, you can use
a diluted chlorine bleach/detergent mixture
for spot cleaning of mildew, roof run-off or other similar stains
Sunbrella's Stain chart for specific recommendations).
Sunbrella® fabric does not promote mildew growth, however,
mildew may grow on dirt and other foreign substances
that are not removed from the fabric.
To clean mildew, or other stubborn stains:
(Eight ounces (one cup) of chlorine bleach.
Two ounces (1/4 cup) of mild soap and/or detergent.
One gallon of water.
Clean with soft bristle brush.
Allow mixture to soak into the fabric for up to 15 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly until all soap residue is removed.
Air dry.
Repeat if necessary.
Re-treatment of fabric for water and stain resistance may be necessary.
To "Waterproof" and further protect your Sunbrella®, use
303 Fabric Guard
which is the only product endorsed by Glenn Raven Mills®,
manufacturer of Sunbrella® Marine Fabric.
Material should be thoroughly dry before prolonged storage.
Herculite® Weblon® Regatta® and Stamoid® Canvas
Keep clean. Occasional hosing will prevent dirt accumulation.
Most dirt accumulation can be removed by soap, water and brush
or strong detergent. Rinse thoroughly.
In extreme cases, most dirt can be removed by applying a full
or half strength bleach and brushing softly to cover thoroughly
the necessary area. Allow to remain for two to three minutes,
then thoroughly hose-rinse, protecting surrounding material or plant
growth that might be damaged by bleach.
In areas particularly conducive to mildew,
brush away any visible accumulation of dirt on underside.
Mildew cannot attack the canvas, but it can grow on dirt!
During removal and re-installation, avoid dragging over rough or hard areas
which can puncture the canvas or develop frictional heat at the folds.
Material should be thoroughly dry before prolonged storage.
Imar® products makes
Stamoid® Marine Vinyl Cleaner #603, which (per their site):
"is specially formulated to gently but thoroughly clean STAMOID®
and other vinyl without harming Strataglass®
or any other clear vinyl if overspray or runoff occurs
when used according to the instructions.
Frequent use is recommended, particularly in areas of high
environmental pollution. Application will assure the continued
like-new appearance of your yacht’s vinyl.
(Use before IMAR #601 & IMAR #602)"
ClimaShield Plus® is designed to be easy to maintain.
It can be washed, or brushed off and rinsed.
Proper care and cleaning is important to the life of all fabrics.
Add 2 ounces of mild soap such as Woolite, Dreft baby detergent or Ivory
to 1 gallon of lukewarm water.
Clean the fabric with a "soft bristle brush".
Rinse thoroughly with cold water and air dry.
Add maximum 1 cup of bleach to one 1 gallon of water.
Spray on lightly to the fabric face (non-coated side).
Do not soak fabric.
Prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals can damage the coating.
Rinse immediately. Do not leave on for more than 2 minutes.
Climashield Plus® is treated with a Durable Water Repellent coating (DWR).
Cleaning with harsh cleaners such as bleach will require a retreatment like
303 High Tech Fabric Guard
for restoring water repellency.
Never store the cover while wet. Dry the cover prior to storage.
This will help prevent mildew growth, which will damage the fabric.
Clean the cover with mild soap and water to remove dirt, bird droppings, etc.
Prevent sharp objects, solvents and hot items from coming into contact with the cover.
If stored outdoors, do not allow ice or water to accumulate on the cover,
as they may cause damage.
Please follow instructions closely to reduce or eliminate
the threat of water accumulation.
Straps could come in contact with boat during trailering causing damage.
Add additional padding around straps to prevent this damage.
Clear Vinyl (aka Eisenglass) and Strataglass® Coated Clear Vinyl
Clear Vinyl windows are damaged by water spotting, UV light and cracking.
As Strataglass® notes: DO NOT HANDLE ANY Clear and Vinyl Materials
This can permanently cloud the vinyl material where handled.
AVOID (do NOT use) any waxes, suntan lotion (permanent damage),
suncreen (permanent damage),
Rain-X®, Pledge®, Plexus® and Windex® !
Some of these will appear to provide a short term improvement,
but they will damage your clear vinly windows permanently.
Fresh Water - For fresh water, wash with a boat wash
and dry with a chamois or micro fiber towel.
To prevent deterioration to your boat curtains,
it is important to apply a
(Strataglass® Protective Cleaner® 301
Bio-Kleen® Qwik Shine®)
to the inside and outside of clear vinyl.
Regularly maintain with this detailing spray,
an easy spray-on/wipe-off application.
Incorporated polymers in the product protect the vinyl curtains
from becoming rigid and cloudy.
NEVER tow you boat with your Clear Vinyl in place,
as it will be coated with road grime and oils (and beat the top up).
These oils and grime may permanently damage your Clear Vinyl.
Storage - when not using your boat, it is best to keep your Clear Vinyl
out of the sun as much as possible, especially for longer winter storage.
Clean and dry your Clear Vinyl (above),
Apply protectant
If you have a good breathable cover,
simply cover the top and curtains/spray-shield,
Or, take them off carefully,
laying them flat (if you have the room),
hanging them flat in a closet, or
rolling them loosely (as large a diameter as you have room
to store them, even use a clean cotton towel between the
layers in the roll) and storing them in a dry, dark place
with nothing on top of them.
When you put your canvas back on,
use Iosso E-Z Snap Zipper & Snap Lubricant to
lubricate, waterproof, and reduce friction on snaps, zippers, hinges, and hardware.
To use on a snap, simply place one drop
in the head of the snap and open and close it a few times.
To use on a zipper, place a drop in the middle of the zipper
and work up and down a few times to distribute.
If you have a lot of snaps (T-Top Spray Shield for example),
use a Top Snapper Tool.
Stainless Steel Frame:
Clean Water and Wipe - The simplest, safest, and least costly method that
will adequately do the job is always the best method.
This can be done with the Sunbrella® canvas in place.
Stainless surfaces thrive with frequent cleaning because there is no surface
coating to wear off stainless steels. A soft cloth and clean warm water should always
be the first choice for mild stains and loose dirt and soils.
A final rinse with clean water and a dry wipe will complete the process
and eliminate the possibility of water stains.
Solvent Cleaning - Organic solvents can be used to remove fresh fingerprints,
oils and greases that have not had time to oxidize or decompose.
The preferred solvent is methyl alcohol.
Do NOT use solvents which contain chlorine, acetone, MEK, lacquer thinner, paint thinner
or mineral spirits which will damage the Sunbrella fabric
such as methyl alcohol.
There are many compounded or blended organic cleaners that are commercially
available and attempt to optimize both clean-ability and safety attributes.
Cleaning can by performed by wiping with the solvent or
by sophisticated vapor or spray methods.
Household Cleaners - Household cleaners fall into two categories:
detergent (non-abrasive) and abrasive cleaners, which we do NOT recommend.
Both are effective for many mild dirt, stain, and soil deposits, as well as light
oils such as fingerprints. A neutral cleaner low in chloride is preferred.
The fact that the label states "for stainless steel" is no guarantee that the
product is not abrasive, not acidic, or low in chloride.
The cleaning method generally employed with these cleaners is to apply them to the
stainless surface and follow by cloth wiping, or to wipe directly with a
cleaner-impregnated soft cloth. In all cases, the cleaned surface should be
thoroughly rinsed with clean freshwater and wiped dry with a soft cloth
if water streaking is a consideration.
Commercial Cleaners - Many commercial cleaners compounded from phosphates,
synthetic detergents, and alkalis are available for the cleaning of severely
soiled or stained stainless surfaces. When used with a variety of cleaning methods,
these cleaners can safely provide effective cleaning,
however consideration must be given to the Sunbrella® fabric.
Manufacturers should be consulted and their recommendations followed whenever
using cleaners of this kind. The general precautions stated above also pertain
to these cleaners.
Verifying your Boat:Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) AFTER Aug 01, 1984 ...
Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) BEFORE Aug 01, 1984 ...
Each of our boat manufacturers' canvas pages
have Photos of the Factory OEM T-Tops, Hard-Top, Bimini-Tops, Canvas, etc. at the
bottom of the page for verification
(Sea Hunt® Photos for example).
Please compare your boat against these photos to insure you have the
Original-Equipment (OEM) Top frame from the Factory
(some dealers, like Chatlee in NC and Ed's Marine Superstoe in VA,
for example,
install their own, after-market T-Tops).
Our Factory OEM canvas
does not fit after-market Tops!
Boston Whaler®, Sea Ray® and Grady White® do NOT allow
dealers to install their own, after-market tops on new boats,
so these are typically Factory OEM,
unless an owner installed their own top.
We sell at a discount (and without 6-12% Sales Tax) versus the local dealers
since we "make-to-order" (Just-In-Time = JIT)
using our inventory of 1,000's of patterns
(no need to carry inventory)
and thus our overhead is lower.
Unfortunately, agreements with boat manufacturers prevent us from selling the current (last 2 model years)
factory-original (OEM) production canvas, frames and covers direct to the public.
Some photos show optional items mounted on standard products.
Descriptive, typographical or photographical errors are subject to correction. ,