For Aquaport, Chaparral, Chris Craft, Crownline, Ebbtide, Formula, Glastron, Larson, Regal, Rinker, Robalo, Scout, SeaSwirl, Starcraft, Triumph, Trophy and Wellcraft
factory OEM canvas, tops or covers, you
MUST provide a photo of your Black Ameritex® tag with the P/N and DT date code
(unfortunately the WHITE Tag is not sufficient)
from your existing canvas, cover or frame (sticker).
We can only produce P/N's which start with a 1 (P/N's starting with a 2, 4 or 6 are no longer available Taylor-Made parts).
Stainless steel folding T-Top developed specifically for
center console boats...
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
Fully Assembled Folding T-Top for Montauk™, Outrage™ & Dauntless™
... $1,443.00 , SALE PRICE: $1,298.70
The patent-pending
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
folding T-Top for Boston Whaler® center console boats combines the fishability, convenience and storage of a T-Top
with the ability to lower the top in seconds (or remove in 10 minutes)
to store the boat in your garage, shed, short dry stack, boat house
or under a boat cover.
The new
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
has been completely redesigned for 2020,
combining the best features of the original Montauk-T-Topless-1™ and Montauk-Shadow™ folding T-Tops
(at a lower cost)
to fit most Boston Whaler®
Montauk™, Outrage™, Dauntless™, Newport™ and Striper™ center console
Status and Lead times: NOTE: A couple of the photos on this page are of the OLD (pre-2019) Montauk-T-Topless-1™ and Montauk-Shadow™.
We will take new photos as soon as the COVID19 situation allows us on the water again. Stay safe!
Lead time est: 4-6 biz days after order finalization as of 2/10/25.
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
Mounts on factory Whaler windshield grab rails (drill no holes),
Eliminate the need for annoying Bimini top frames and straps which hamper access around the boat,
Folds down below front bow rail height in less than 1 minute by pulling (2) quick-release pins
to fit in garage or under standard boat cover,
6'1"-6'5" of headroom (on Montauk™ 17, similar on other models),
Clearance for the
rod holders (4 or 6, depending upon model year) mounted across the front of the Whaler's console,
rod holders (2 each) on the Whaler's Reversible Pilot Seat.
Clears the original (pre-1990) Igloo® 86-quart or newer (1990+) 96-quart cooler
(standard on Montauk™ 17, 170, Outrage® and many other Whalers) when folded down,
Optional Gear-Loft
stores 4-6 life preservers out of the way above your head (freeing up valuable cooler, console or deck space),
Optional Gull Wings
for even more protection out the side rails,
with side 'weather flaps' out to the gunwales (removable with Velcro® and bungi balls),
White Navigation Light being tested now (November 2020),
For those who are familiar with our popular Montauk-T-Topless-1™ and Montauk-Shadow™
we have made and sold for years, the
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
has been improved:
Stiffer with integrated Stabilizer Bar,
Straight side frames to front for better clearance past console to bow,
2 inches narrower (50" wide) for better side clearance,
Bent Rear-Legs for more clearance at helm,
Type 316L Stainless Steel tubing (was 304L) to stay shiny forever,
Optional 3-sided Spray Shield enclosure and Gull Wings(removable with Velcro® and bungi balls),
Optional 8 inch longer Gear Loft option holds more stuff,
Ships quickly in a sturdy box via Fedex® or UPS® (not a large truck),
We are trying to locate a nice clamp-on Navigation Light,
so pleas let us know if you have one!
Clamp-on Rod Holders (2 or 4) get your rods
up out of the way, and can be used for trolling,
while our popular
Gear Loft stows 4 to 6 life preservers,
freeing up your console for storage of dry gear!
"Click" pictures for larger images!
Patent Pending
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
fits the following boats:
The Montauk-T-Topless™ fits the
1973-2000 Boston Whaler® Montauk™ 17 & 2001 Montauk™ 170 perfectly,
provide 6'1" to 6'5" of clearance beneath (adjustable rear leg height),
clearing rods placed in the 6 optional factory rod holders on the front of the console
as well as the 2 rods in the Reversible Pilot Seat (Flip Flop seat).
We also offer
a 3-sided wrap around Spray Shield,
zip on Gull Wings,
a Gear Loft
and a front Gear Rack
for the 1973-2000 Montauk™ 17 and 2001 Montuak™ 170 series.
Boston Whaler® introduced the new generation
2002-2007 Montauk™ 170
and 2001-2007 Dauntless™ 160 boats
with the same low console (p/n 22-J871-00) and grab rails,
so our tops only provide 6'2" of headroom,
and the cooler must be removed to lower the top fully.
In 2008, Boston Whaler® came out with a new 4" taller console,
giving the 2008-2012 Montauk-170
a clearance of
6'3" with the Montauk-T-Topless-2™.
The Montauk 190 and Dauntless 15
use the similar T-Topless.
The other alternatives are a Bimini Top or a Fixed T-Top (mounted to the floor):
Bimini Tops are difficult to fish around and
make entry/exit difficult because they mount on the Montauk at or near the opening
between the front/rear side rails. Boston Whaler® charges
$1,091now $1,200 !
for their original Mills®
"Sun top (bimini) with boot (black or blue) and stainless steel fittings"
Fixed T-Tops must be screwed to the floor with
wood screws on Whalers®. They cannot be through-bolted to the back
of the fiberglass because Whalers® are foam-filled for flotation.
Thus, the wood screws will eventually pull out.
In addition, a fixed T-Top wastes floorspace with the mounts, and will not
fold down to put the boat in a garage or under a standard boat cover
Lowers below the windshield grab rail height
Montauk-T-Topless™ lowered on 1982 Montauk® 17,
shown at right →
Montauk-Shadow™ lowered on the same 1982 Montauk® 17,
shown below ↓
Fits under standard boat cover
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
fits under a standard boat cover,
as the top nestles between the bow rails.
Head and fishing rod clearance
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
shown at right in the raised position on a 1973-2001 Montauk® 17.
Note how the design allows use of the front rod holders (as well as the Rod Holders inthe Reversible Pilot Seat)..
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
provides provides significantly more head room than the standard Boston Whaler® original Mills® (pre 1996) or Great Lakes® (1996+, we sell these as well)
bimini top's 5'10" height.
It allows use of the front, console-mounted rod holders,
as well as the 2 rod holders in the Montauk's® Teak Reversible Pilot Seat (RPS, flip back seat).
Lowers about even with windshield grab rail height
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
shown at right in the lowered position
on a 1973-2001 Montauk® 17.
If your boat fits in the garage or under a boat cover now,
it should fit with the top lowered.
The top folds down and clears the standard 86-quart (pre-1990) and larger 96-quart (1990+) Igloo® coolers
(with the cushion in place),
as well as between the front bow rails allowing the use of a standard boat cover..
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
provides 19.4 square feet of coverage, yet weighs only 34 pounds.
Installs in About an Hour
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
installs on the Montauk™'s (or Dauntless'™;) windshield grab bars
using two pairs of stainless steel split rail clamps
in less than an hour without drilling holes in the floor or
console of your boat and then trying to get wood screws to hold.
We do NOT recommend or warrant hanging from the top (and especially the rear),
but we found in our tests that the 1" OD TIG welded Stainless tubing frame
is strong enough to hang on!
(click the picture for full size)
No annoying bimini top frame or straps!
No more ugly, bimini top or straps in your way, or flapping in the breeze.
Tow the Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
safely down the highway!
Old Montauk-Shadow™ shown trailering down the highway at 65mph.
Sunbrella® Marine Canvas Repels Water Like a Duck!
Montauk-Shadow™ shown here.
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ Spray Shield & Gull Wings
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ Spray Shield
Optional Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
Spray Shield and Gull Wings for
1973-2000 Montauk™ 17 & 2001 Montauk™ 170
and 1981-1989 Outrage™ 18 (may fit Montauk™ 170, Dauntless™ and some other Outrages™)
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
3 sided Spray Shield
has 30-gauge clear Vinyl windows (also known as Eisenglass or Isinglass)
framed with Sunbrella® and
attaches to the Montauk-T-Topless-2™ frame tightly
with Valcro® along the front top (rain tight)
and Bunji balls on the sides and back (note the tight fit inside the frame in the photos at right).
The Spray Shield keeps wind, rain and spray out
and has a "smiley" window with plastic zippers
which can be rolled up to let the breeze in and for trailering.
The Spray-Shield is split at the bottom and joined with Velcro™
to go around the Montauk 17's front "Shepherd's Rail",
providing a spray-tight, clear window all the way down
to the bottom of the Montauk's plexiglass windshield.
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ will also fold down with the Spray Shield in place
(may need to be loosened at bottom).
For additional protection, we also offer
Gull Wings
which zip onto the back edge of each side of the Spray Shield and use bunji balls to the outside side rails
as shown at right.
Click pictures for larger views!
full curtains
30 gauge clear vinyl
30 gauge isinglass
30 gauge eisenglass
strataglass clear vinyl
30 mil clear vinyl
30 mil isinglass
30 mil eisenglass
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ Gear Loft with 3 PFDs and a Throwable Cushion
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ Gear Loft with 3 Life Preservers and a Throwable Cushion
Gear Loft
Our Gear Loft
stores 4 or 5 life preservers or 3 life preservers and a throwable cushion (as shown at right) above your head.
It is suprr handy, as it frees up your cooler to store valuable liquids for the enjoyment of your crew!
The black Phifertex® material is an open weave so it breathes to keep your gear dry and free from model and mildew.
Rod Holders
Clamp-on stainless steel rod holders (available on Amazon® for example)
can be mounted on sides (as shown) for out of the way rod storage.
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
has 6' 1"to 6' 8" clearance (shown here adjusted to 6' 6-1/2") on Montauk-17 boats
and similar on Montauk 17s.
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
allows for use of the Montauk's factory rod holders.
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
was specifically designed
to clear rods placed in the front, factory console mounted rod holders,
as well as clearance for rods in the
Montauk™ 17's teak Reversible Pilot Seat's 2 rod holders!
Standard Boston Whaler® Bimini Top
The Boston Whaler® standard bimini top is low, cumbersome
and in the way for fishing, ingress and egress.
Front Rod Holders Unusable with Bimini Top,
With the bimini top raised, the front rod holders
cannot be used on older or new style Montauks®.
Rigid T-Top Issues ...
Rigid T-Tops have issues of their own, including weight, high center of gravity,
mounting holes in the floor, clearance along the side and cost.
Sunbrella® is the #1 marine canvas in the world
We exclusively use Sunbrella®
9.25 ounce / square yard marine fabric (heavier than the Sunbrella® 8 oz./sq.yd. furniture fabric),
the longest lasting, most color-fast and durable marine canvas in the world (10 year fabric warranty).
The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends Sunbrella® as an aid in the prevention of skin cancer.
Check out Sunbrella® marine fabrics, care and cleaning at
We offer Black or
Captain Navy (factory original Boston Whaler® blue color)
for the
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™):
The Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
is a type 316L stainless steel frame folding top
with welded fittings
which assembles and installs in about an hour,
provides refreshing shade and raises, lowers or removes in about 5 minutes
to fit in a garage or under a boat cover.
This new top has been redesigned to combine the best features of the popular
Montauk-T-Topless™ (MT1™) and Montauk-Shadow™ folding T-Tops
offered from 2006 to 2019, offering many improvements, and at a lower cost.
Detailed Specifications:
Fits: The MT2™
is designed to fit:
1973-2000 Boston Whaler® Montauk™ 17,
2001-current Boston Whaler® Montauk™ 170,
1981-1989 Boston Whaler® Outrage™ 18,
most Boston Whaler® Outrage™ 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 & 24,
most Boston Whaler® Montauk™ 150,
most Boston Whaler® Dauntless™ 16, 160, 18, & 180,
most Boston Whaler® Newport™ 17,
most Boston Whaler® Striper™ 17,
any boat with 31 to 35" wide, 7/8" or 1" diameter, 30-60° angled forward
stainless steel windshield grab rails over 42" tall,
Boston Whaler® Montauk™ 190 & Dauntless™ 15
use the similar T-Topless-2™.
1 inch diamter polished AISI type 316L stainless steel tubular frame, TIG welded to type 316 surgical stainless fittings,
Type 316 Fittings attach the top to your windshield grab rails,
Front and Rear Cross bars for rigidity,
Integrated curved Stabilizer bar (new for 2020)
mounts between starboard rear leg or frame and your windshield grab rail with quick-release pins
for added rigidity,
Size: 5'10" long (5'6" covered) X 50" wide rear X 35" wide front = 19.4 square feet of coverage.
Height: (clearance to stand under):
We recommend mounting the rear legs
(bend near the top) near the bottom of the 7/8" dia. windshield grab rails:
6'1" to 6'5" of clearance on 1973-2001 Montauk™ 17 and 170 boats,
6'1" to 6'5" of clearance on 1981-1989 Outrage™ 18 boats,
We recommend mounting the rear legs upside down
(bend near bottom) on the front (or back) of the 1" dia. Reversible Pilot Seat (RPS, also known as a "Flip Flop" seat) seat supports:
6'0" to 6'4" of clearance on 2002-2007 Montauk™ 170 boats,
6'5" to 6'7" of clearance on 2008+ Montauk™ 170 boats,
6'1" to 6'5" of clearance on 2002+ Dauntless™ 160 boats,
others to-be-determined.
Clears (4) or (6) (depending on model year) front Rod Holders (mounted on front of console)
on all Montauk™ 17, Montauk™170 and 1981-1989 Outrage™ 18 (
same console as Montauk™ 17),
Clears (2) factory Rod Holders on the Whaler® Reversible Pilot Seat (flip-flop seat)
on all Montauk™ 17, Montauk™ 170 & 1981-1989 Outrage™ 18
(same console as Montauk™ 17),
Clears original factory 86-quart (original before 1990) Igloo® cooler
with Cushion in place when folded down on 1973-1990 Montauk™ 17
and 1981-1989 Outrage™ 18 (same console as Montauk™ 17),
Clears replacement 94-quart (original was 86-quart before 1990) Igloo® cooler with
Cushion in place when folded down on 1973-1990 Montauk™ 17
and 1981-1989 Outrage™ 18 (same console as Montauk 17),
Clears original factory 94-quart (original from 1990+) Igloo® cooler with
Cushion in place when folded down on 1990-2001 Montauk™ 17 & 170,
Clears original factory 94-quart Igloo® cooler with Cushion removed when folded down on 2002+ Montauk™ 170.
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
$1,443.00 , SALE PRICE: $1,298.70
(In stock)
Montauk-T-Topless-2™ (MT2™)
folding, stainless steel T-Top
for Boston Whaler® Montauk™, Dauntless™ & Outrage™,
mounts on windshield grab rails,
lowers in seconds to fit ingarage or under boat cover,
with industry leading 10-year frame warranty,
Rated 5.4/5
based on 111customer reviews.
Available at
RNR-Marine, Incorporated 636-G Long Point Road, Box 39 Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Boston Whaler®, Montauk®, Dauntless®, Outrage®, Newport® and Striper®
are registered trademarks of the Brunswick® corporation.
This site and the products on this site are not
made for or sanctioned by the Brunswick® company (yet).
Verifying your Boat:Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) AFTER Aug 01, 1984 ...
Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) BEFORE Aug 01, 1984 ...
Each of our boat manufacturers' canvas pages
have Photos of the Factory OEM T-Tops, Hard-Top, Bimini-Tops, Canvas, etc. at the
bottom of the page for verification
(Sea Hunt® Photos for example).
Please compare your boat against these photos to insure you have the
Original-Equipment (OEM) Top frame from the Factory
(some dealers, like Chatlee in NC and Ed's Marine Superstoe in VA,
for example,
install their own, after-market T-Tops).
Our Factory OEM canvas
does not fit after-market Tops!
Boston Whaler®, Sea Ray® and Grady White® do NOT allow
dealers to install their own, after-market tops on new boats,
so these are typically Factory OEM,
unless an owner installed their own top.
We sell at a discount (and without 6-12% Sales Tax) versus the local dealers
since we "make-to-order" (Just-In-Time = JIT)
using our inventory of 1,000's of patterns
(no need to carry inventory)
and thus our overhead is lower.
Unfortunately, agreements with boat manufacturers prevent us from selling the current (last 2 model years)
factory-original (OEM) production canvas, frames and covers direct to the public.
Some photos show optional items mounted on standard products.
Descriptive, typographical or photographical errors are subject to correction. ,
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Montauk 17
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Montauk 170
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Montauk 19
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Dauntless 18
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Dauntless 180
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Outrage 18
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Newport 17
Montauk-T-Topless for Boston Whaler Striper 17
We love Boston Whalers
Whalers rock
Boston Whaler - the unsinkable legend
RNR-Marine fits Boston Whaler Montauk, Dauntless and Outrage boats
Looks great on the Whaler
Looks great on the Montauk
Looks great on the Dauntless
Looks great on the Outrage